Katostrophic Korner: Growth tips for all, 4 hit 8s

This week Pooty sits down with the man known as Katastrophic from the realm known as 21. Pooty sits and watches the man without him knowing, not in a creepy way, but in an admirable way, a non creepy admirable way yes. Like all would look up that ex on facebook kind of way. Pooty sees the man make 4 marches at a level 8 monster and the rest is history. Pootys sits down with the man, heres what he has to say. 

Pooty: Pooty enjoys watching the man take down that 8 so quickly

Katastrophic: hahah yeah its nice

Pooty: If the man has 45 minutes Pooty shows the man how Pooty does his 8’s

(Inaudible, murmuring under voice) 

Katastrophic:  research max monster damage, max huntress, max monster damage, work on allies, work on biome trees, unlock t4 and bam hit 4 8s.

So there you have it folks, get research done and all can be like the man known as Katastrophic. research max monster damage, max huntress, max monster damage, work on allies, work on biome trees, unlock t4 and bam hit 4 8s. Right from the mans mouth. Pooty composes a tutorial video with music for all, of the man in action.  Now all can watch this beautiful feet, in a non creepy but admirable way. Enjoy!

Express all feelings with Pootymoji

All, the day has finally arrived. All have eagerly waited and Pooty makes it worth all’s wait.

Pooty gives all a easy to use interface to download them all or just selection of pootymojis you wish to have.

Without further ado, Pooty introduces the disruptive technology known as Pootymoji.

Note: downloads work not in the Discord browser, all must use their native device browser like safari or chrome. 

Download pootymojis now! 


Viva La Resistance! Take The Power Back!

The people of the realm have spoken! Take The Power Back by Rage Against The Machine eaks out the win over Hampsterdance song and is the new anthem of La Resistance! Survey results are below. Viva La Resistance!

La Resistance Theme Song:

Runner Up:

Honorable Mention:

[survey_answers id=”795338536″]


It appears now that  Debbie hears of her soon to be demise, the unwelcomed avatar is causing a distraction in the realm appointing the tyrant known as extract as ruler. All must resist! Rest your armies! Extract the tyrant from rule! Viva la resistance! Pooty soon runs out of catch phrases.